Thursday 25 July 2013

A Tale of Two Reviews

I love movie reviews. For a long time it was what I wanted to do for a career, and in all honesty I still would do in a heartbeat given the chance. No matter what media platform, regardless of whether it's meant to be informative, funny, angry or just pretty pointless, I have a need to know what everyone thinks about everything. It's why this silly blog is up and why you're reading this right now. This is me being the world's tiniest cog in the Truckasaurus wheel of reviews and opinions, the tippy tip of my toes dabbing the water to see if I could do this consistently. My personal evaluation? Hit and miss. But that's okay. In any case, I'm not here to give myself a job evaluation. I'd like to present two of my favourite movie reviewers at the moment. One is British, witty and informative, the other is American, with screaming, swearing and occasional misogyny. I love both equally. Here they are reviewing the Dark Knight Rises, in two very different styles. They both add up to about an hour, so if you're short for time, just watch the first 5-10 minutes of each. You'll still get it. 

The point I'm trying to get at is, knowing what people think about a film, what every person thinks about a film, is key to realising what works well and what doesn't, and for whom. One reviewer is just one point of view, and if one wants to truly claim they have a passion or whatever for film, they need to see films from all angles. That includes grumpy old Brits and annoying Yanks.

Maybe this entire post is more my own self-indulgence in wanting to work in film professionally, rather than actually informing or entertaining you in any way, but sometimes it's nice to remind myself why I'm doing this. Well, that and for you guys of course. You wonderful people, you.


Side note, I'm going on holiday tomorrow, so updates will likely slow down once again unfortunately. I'll do my best to have something else up by the end of the week, Mitchell Monday will go up as normal, and after that? I have no idea. You'll just have to find someone else to act all opinionated whilst never really saying anything definitive. The Worlds End review will go up at some point, but I want that to be my finest work, so it's going in the fridge for a while. See you on the other side.

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