Sunday, 13 October 2013


It goes without saying, there's been a little hiatus going on. I apologise for not saying anything sooner. I also apologise for telling you that said hiatus is not over quite yet. 

When I want to write these things, there's nothing more fun in the world to do. When I don't and I'm just getting something out there to fulfill my unwritten 'at least one thing a week' rule, they feel forced and uninteresting, both to read and write. 

I'm on the verge of big changes in my life, which I won't bore/annoy you about, but suffice to say, the combination of being super busy and being simply burned out doing these meant a indefinite break. 

I love writing, creatively, analytically, it's kind of cathartic for me. This is want I want to do for a living in some form or another. And I suppose I'm taking advantage of the fact that I won't get this freedom to scarper much in my adult working life. 

For anyone who bothered to keep up with this consistently, once again, I'm sorry. I promise this will return at some point. When? I do not know. Where? I cannot tell you. How? Eh, I haven't decided yet. But for now, if you still want to hear the sweet sound of my syntax, and, *ahem*, who could blame you, you could follow me on twitter @Tom_Snrub. That'd be cool. Alright, see ya around.

I'm trying out using more paragraphs, I can't decide. They make it look a bit like TMZ.